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Queen Elizabeth National Park

Park Overview

Queen Elizabeth national park is the most diverse protected area in Uganda. Lying on the floor of the Albertine rift valley and in the backdrop of the Legendary “Mountains of the Moon” QENP was gazetted in 1952 as Kazinga national Park to protect varied landscape of prolific wildlife between Lake Edward and the Rwenzori mountains but renamed in 1954 to commemorate the visit of the British Royal monarch, the now Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2. The expansive biodiversity rich area of 1978km2 is associated with diverse habitats that include open savanna grasslands, acacia woodlands, tropical forests, wetlands, open water and the famous forested Kyambura gorge supporting a total of 95 mammal species and 660 bird species which is the highest number of species ever recorded in Africa of any protected area for such a sized area.

Quick Facts about The Park

First gazzetted in 1920 as Kazinga Channel

Altitude: 912m-1360m.

Size: 1978km2

Birds check list: 660 species a true bird- hot spot.

Mammal check list: 95species

DistanceLies 410km thru Mbarara / 420km

via Fort portal from Kampala.

Park Activities

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