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Uganda’s safari scene bursts with variety. Each park offers a unique adventure, from wildlife encounters to stunning landscapes.
The country is a feast for the senses. Witness the mighty Murchison Falls cascading down the Nile, volcanic peaks piercing the sky in Mgahinga, the dense rainforests of Bwindi, and the glistening Rift Valley lakes dotting Queen Elizabeth National Park.

While wildlife viewing may not be as overwhelming as Kenya or Tanzania’s savannahs, Uganda offers a respectable variety. Queen Elizabeth and Murchison Falls excel with boat safaris complementing thrilling game drives.

For the truly adventurous, Uganda shines. Gorilla trekking and chimpanzee tracking are major draws, requiring a moderate fitness level for navigating sometimes muddy and thickly vegetated slopes.
Uganda’s frequent rain showers, mainly in the afternoons, might get you a little wet. But for the slightly adventurous soul seeking wildlife encounters and thrilling hikes, Uganda stands as a top safari destination.

Who Should Go for A Safari in Uganda?

Calling all primate enthusiasts! Uganda isn’t just a dream, it’s your ultimate safari destination. Lush rainforests teem with chimpanzees, offering thrilling encounters.

But Uganda’s magic extends far beyond primates. Bwindi National Park’s Impenetrable Forest safeguards over half the world’s remaining mountain gorillas, making gorilla trekking a truly life-changing adventure.
Birders, rejoice! Uganda boasts over 1090 species, a staggering 50% of Africa’s total. Witness the majestic shoebill stork and countless other avian wonders amidst diverse habitats.

While Uganda reigns supreme for primates and birdlife, it doesn’t disappoint on classic safaris either. Beautiful savannah parks provide opportunities for game drives and thrilling boat cruises. Expect to encounter iconic animals like buffalo, elephant, lion, leopard, hippo, and crocodile.

So, for an unforgettable safari experience brimming with primates, birds, and classic African wildlife, look no further than Uganda!

Uganda safari

Tailoring Your Ugandan Adventure: How Long to Stay?

Uganda safaris come in all shapes and sizes! While some travelers swing by for a quick 3–4-day gorilla encounter, others opt for more extensive adventures ranging from one to three weeks.

For gorilla trekkers, the journey often starts with arrival in Entebbe, followed by a night on the scenic shores of Lake Victoria. The next day brings a flight or drive southwest to the park. Some experts even recommend double gorilla treks, as the initial experience can be overwhelming. After this unforgettable encounter, most head back to Entebbe/Kampala for onward travel.

Many visitors combine Uganda with other African safaris. Our popular 3-day Bwindi gorilla trek, for example, can be seamlessly linked with adventures in Tanzania or Kenya, where you could experience the Serengeti or Masai Mara, or unwind on Zanzibar’s idyllic beaches.

No matter your Ugandan dream, we, the tailor-made safari specialists, can turn it into reality.

When should I travel to Uganda?

Uganda welcomes safari-goers year-round! However, navigating logistics can be trickier during the rainy seasons (March-May and September-November). Rainfall can also make trekking in Bwindi and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks more challenging due to muddy slopes.

One of Uganda’s biggest perks is its comfortable climate. Despite its equatorial location, high altitudes moderate the heat, keeping things pleasant throughout the year.

For classic East African safari weather, aim for June to October, which coincides with the peak season. During this dry period, you’ll encounter less rain and easier trekking conditions.

What to pack for a Safari in Uganda

To ensure a comfortable and enriching safari experience, make sure your packing list has the following essentials:
Clothing: opt for neutral-colored clothing that blends into the natural environment. Pack comfortable hiking shoes for uneven terrain, trousers for protection against insects and thorns, and long-sleeved shirts for sun protection and bug bites.

Sun Protection: A wide-brimmed hat and safari jacket are crucial for shielding yourself from the strong African sun. Don’t forget sunscreen to keep your skin protected.

Wildlife Viewing Essentials: Pack a camera to capture unforgettable wildlife encounters and binoculars to get a closer look at the amazing animals. Consider bringing some safari guidebooks to enhance your experience and identify the creatures you spot.

Health Considerations: Consult your doctor about malaria medication before your trip, as there is a risk present in Uganda.

tree climbing lions

More on what to Expect on a Ugandan Safari

A Ugandan safari is unlike any other vacation – prepare for an unforgettable adventure! Here’s a glimpse into what awaits:

  1. Early Mornings:
    Embrace the African sunrise! Most safari activities, including game drives, gorilla trekking, and chimpanzee tracking, start before dawn. The cool mornings are prime wildlife viewing time. Many animals, even nocturnal ones, are most active during these first hours. Don’t worry about alarms – a friendly lodge staff member will wake you with a gentle call. Sometimes, you’ll be greeted with tea, coffee, and light snacks before heading out. To ensure you’re well-rested, aim for an early bedtime after dinner.
  2. Midday Tranquility:
    By mid-morning, you’ll likely be back at the lodge after your exciting game drive. A hearty breakfast or brunch awaits, sometimes served a bit later as lunch. This downtime is yours to relax. Take a siesta, unwind by the pool (if available), or simply soak in the beauty of the African wilderness. If your safari includes cultural experiences or village visits, they’ll likely happen during this time. In savannah parks like Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls, and Lake Mburo, afternoon boat cruises offer a relaxing way to witness animals gathering at the water’s edge.
  3. Late Afternoon & Evening:
    As the heat subsides, another wildlife drive, nature walk, village exploration, or boat trip might be on the agenda. These activities usually last a few hours before returning to the lodge.
    Sundowner Magic:
    Many safaris include a sundowner – a pause at a scenic spot to enjoy a drink as the sun dips below the horizon. Imagine watching the sunset paint the acacia-framed grasslands or a shimmering waterhole – pure bliss!
    Evenings at the Lodge:
    Once back at the lodge, you’ll have time to freshen up before dinner. In some camps, a crackling bonfire welcomes you for evening drinks and conversations with fellow guests. Cultural entertainment might also be on offer. As night falls, the only light will be the stars and the sounds of the African wilderness lulling you to sleep.
  4. Embracing the Outdoors:
    Nature calls! When on game drives, treks, or any outdoor adventure, restrooms won’t be readily available. Be prepared to answer nature’s call behind a bush – no toilets, seats, or paper here. Ladies, it’s wise to carry tissues and hand sanitizer. On gorilla treks, your guide will dig a temporary “bathroom” for you. Remember, respect the environment and dispose of waste properly.
  5. Staying Connected:
    Fortunately, many Ugandan safari lodges and camps, even remote ones, now offer Wi-Fi. This allows you to stay connected if needed.

Ready for Your Ugandan Adventure?
With this insight, are you ready to plan your dream Ugandan safari? We can craft a customized itinerary packed with experiences that suit your budget and expectations. Contact us today at info@sandntours.com and let’s turn your African safari dream into reality!




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